> First of all, get a good leveling spec for your class. Arms or fury for
warrior, instead of protection, shadow for priest, instead of holy etc.
> Focus on killing fast while minimizing downtime. Do the right quests in
the right order and ignore mindless grinding because Blizzard didn't
make World of Warcraft for you to kill 10.000 mobs in order to reach
level 80.
But how to find the right quests to level easier and painless? I remember
once taking a quest from Thousand Needles, Shimmering Flats which sent me
to Stranglethorn Vale. Once i reached STV the goblin there sent me back to
Shimmering Flats. Now that's a huge waste of leveling time. If only i knew
that quest wasn't good for leveling.
Alas, i didn't have a good leveling guide in my hands back then.
I have to admit (with shame), before it used to take me over 2 months to
reach level 80, where all the goodies in Wrath of the Lich King await. I
couldn't take it anymore.
But it's all over now. I found the perfect leveling guide for World of
Warcraft. It's called Zygor's Guide and it has both the Horde and the
Alliance versions. The neat thing is the in-game add-on so you don't have
to Alt Tab every 2 minutes to see what quest to do next. Combine that with
specific tips for harder quests and there you have it.
Using Zygor's Leveling Guide i managed to reach level 80 in almost two
weeks. Now how's that for a change?
You probably have the same problem as me. You feel confused, don't know
where to go next. So many quests, not knowing which one to do first. Been
there, done that. Fortunately for you, I had a friend review Zygor's
> Click here to read Zygor's Guide review.
My friend, i guarantee, if you follow Zygor's Guide you'll reach level 80
in no time.
Happy leveling!
- Demeter Alexander