Sagittarius is a masculine fire sign ruled by Jupiter. It rules the 9th
House, the Higher Mind & the Search for Meaning.
Jupiter is associated with long-distance travel, both physically and
through expansion of our mind, spirit, and how we live a meaningful life.
This influence of Jupiter is seen in Sagittarians' love of world travel as
well as religion, politics, and philosophy.
Sagittarians are Well Liked People
It's hard not to like Sagittarians, for their openness, generosity, and
sociable nature. They are deep thinkers in search of universal wisdom,
attracting them to philosophy and religion. Their minds can grasp both the
details and the bigger picture: they can think with intellectual precision
but also intuitively. That unusual combination of thinking skills allows
them to be at the forefront of creative ideas.
They are idealistic and care about the state of the world, leading them to
take up vocations in medicine, education, religion, and politics. They
need to be highly independent in their work and in their personal lives.
They love to travel to widen their horizon and they are fascinated by
other cultures.
Sagittarians are blessed to live active, successful lives. Everything
about them is expansive: their outgoing personalities, good fortune, sense
of humor, optimism, leadership qualities, sense of adventure, and constant
quest for knowledge. They love their freedom and independence. They are
the ultimate high-energy free spirits—a true fire sign. They easily
inspire and motivate others.
The main challenge for Sagittarians is to focus on their most important
goals and passions among all that attracts their interest, and channel
their boundless energy in those well-defined directions. They also need to
apply their need for freedom in a way that allows them to achieve their
goals. In other words, Sagittarians can benefit from a dose of
self-discipline and focus, especially in their relationships, career, and
How Gemstones Can Enhance Your Sagittarius Experience
Gemstones are the perfect way for Sagittarians to bring focus and balance
into their lives.
Gemstones have both physical and metaphysical qualities that can enhance
all aspects of your well-being. The perfectly aligned crystal structure of
gemstones creates an energy field that interacts with our own when you
hold it or wear it on your body. In this way, the gemstone can be used to
calm you, bring you mental clarity, increase your energy, enhance your
creativity, and much more.
Astrology and Healing Gemstones
Astrological principles manifest at all levels of creation, from the
largest bodies in the cosmos to the tiniest particles of atoms—all are
part of the same network of universal energy. Based on the hermetic
principle "As above, so below," those universal principles allow us to
read relations among the planets and extrapolate those principles to
things here on Earth, to events in our lives, as well as to our natural
environment. The universal principles that govern the planets are also
seen on the much smaller level of gemstones, crystals, and metals.
The Signature of Gemstones
Each gemstone is associated with specific planets. You are already aware
that each planet has its own personality in astrology. And each gemstone
has a personal "signature"—specific metaphysical qualities, different for
each stone, that arise from the stone's association with its planets based
on their individual color, crystal structure as well as the chemical
composition. In this article we will talk about one of the true
birthstones for Sagittarians which is Lapis Lazuli. You can find more
articles on true birthstones in my birthstone series for the other
astrological signs of the zodiac on my website or on articlesbase.
How to Make Gemstones Work for You
By considering the individual signature of gemstones, you can select the
right gems for very specific purposes, according to their astrological
All Gemstones can be used in three different ways:
* They are precious objects of beauty that may hold a special meaning
for us. We enjoy their beauty by giving them a special place on a
shelf, desk, or altar.
* They can be used in meditation by tuning into their frequency for
the purpose of balancing our energy field.
* They can be made into jewelry pieces for our pleasure, enhancing our
individual expression of beauty and sense of empowerment. I call those
pieces of power soul jewelry.
As you can tell I am very passionate about healing gems and all the
different applications of those enchanting allies to raise your frequency
for balance and more joy. I have written a book about my over 30 years
experience in the field of healing gemstones, meaningful jewelry and
You can learn more about the metaphysical properties of 67 different
gemstones through my book Jewelry and Gems for Self-Discovery: Choosing
Gemstones that Delight the Eyes & Strengthen the Soul I teach you about
astrology and how to read the blue print of your own chart. If you know
where your challenges are, you can then take steps to support or balance
yourself with your 12 personal healing gemstones. Jewelry and Gems for
Self-Discovery is a treasure chest of ideas about Soul Jewelry; on how to
select, purchase, and wear jewelry that will enhance your body, heart,
mind, and soul.
Sagittarian Lapis Lazuli: A Gemstone for Focus and Peace of Mind [1]
"Lapis Lazuli is one of the true gemstones of Sagittarius. It is composed
of different minerals and therefore some gem experts consider it to not be
a mineral, but a rock with Lazurite as its main ingredient. This opaque
blue stone is not very hard—its Mohs' hardness is only 5 to 6, making it
easy to carve and cut. For that reason it has been used in jewelry since
ancient times. In Egypt it was considered a sacred stone and was used in
jewelry and sacred objects like scarabs. To me the most beautiful Lapis is
dark blue with spots of golden pyrite, which makes it a very
unique-looking specimen. Lapis should be set in gold.
The best and darkest quality Lapis Lazuli is found in Afghanistan.
Deposits in Chile and Russia yield lighter blue stones with whitish or
grayish veins.
Lapis brings us peace of mind. In a relaxed state of mind we develop a
realistic and compassionate acceptance of things as they are. While most
blue gemstones used in jewelry are translucent, Lapis is opaque, a quality
that helps us achieve a concreteproblem-solving orientation, supporting a
very practical mind that focuses on the task at hand and deals with it,
rather than being distracted by extraneous worries."
I wish you a very enchanted journey into the mysterious world of healing
gemstones and looking at them in a new way! If you enjoyed this article
and my perspective on things, I like to invite you to also visit my
Astrological Signs Weather Report & Healing Gems Blog where I discuss the
actual, universal, astrological forces and the special powers of gemstones
and inspire you to use them wisely for a more successful and joyful life.
Aloha and many blessings, Shakti.
Shakti Carola Navran: astrologer, jeweler and author
[1]Adapted from Jewelry and Gems for Self-Discovery: Choosing Gemstones
That Delight the Eye & Strengthen the Soul © 2008 by Shakti Carola Navran.
Llewellyn Worldwide, Ltd. 2143 Wooddale Drive, Woodbury, MN 55125-2989.
All rights reserved, used by permission of the publisher.